以客户为中心已经在零售银行深入人的心,零售银行的客户体验提升项目也在全球范围内遍地开花。相比于零售银行,由于B2B系统的复杂性,公司银行之前很少在客户体验领域有所建树。然而,随着银行对公司银行business体验的要求与日俱增并期待可以达到和The retail business一致的极致体验,越来越多的公司银行部门开始把客户导向和体验提升作为自己的核心战略,随之转变业务模式。客户旅程地图绘制是提升公司银行客户体验的一个有力工具,公司银行客户体验专业人员可以通过绘制客户旅程地图获得Outside -Poor perspective, understanding the customer experience根本原因以及将客户痴迷Carry out to the entire organizationUp and down.

在理解了客户旅程地图绘制的巨大价值以后,下一个问题是如何有效绘制公司银行的客户旅程地图吗?弗雷斯特Based on more than20.Years of global customer experience research foundation and consulting field and a large Chinese bank customer experience, in the company and bank of ChinaB2B客户体验领域积累了丰富的理论,工具与方法。我们总结出的绘制公司银行以及B2B行业客户旅程地图的"The trilogy"ten详细步骤:


    • 选择好相关旅程
    • Portrait drawing customers
    • 建立对客户旅程地图的相关假设
    • Invite the right participants
    • Decided to draw relevant implementation methods and ready for journey

2. Implement customer journey map

    • 绘制客户旅程地图
    • 发现关键痛点
    • Draw the ecosystem

3. Determine the next step

    • 通脑风暴出下一步解决办法
    • 数字化以及扩大绘制出的旅程地图的影响力

在我们最新发布的报告中国公司银行客户旅程地图绘制In the future to provide more details for reference, we chose one of the most typical company bank journey - enterprise customer accounts in accordance with the trilogy of steps with all reconstructed the company bank customer journey together during the process of mapping.Welcome to report to get more relevant insights about the company's bank customer journey map, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the author and contact email address inquiry@forrester.com and china@forrester.com.